Math Effects

Linear This node interpolates linearly between a start and target value.
Decay This node interpolates linearly between a start and target value. In contrast to Linear the gradients for increase and decrease can be set individually.
Damper This node interpolates between a start and target value with ease-in and ease-out.
Oscillator This node oscillates around a target value, beginning at a start value.
Clipping This node clips and maps a range of values to another value range.
Delay This node transfers values from input to output with a customizable delay.

All Math Effect Nodes take a numeric input value that is manipulated over time and transform it into an output value. They are often used to enhance the appearance of simple animations done with e.g. Mover Nodes.

Note that Linear, Decay, Damper and Oscilator nodes are value-generators! They automatically generate output values if the Target property changes. So it does not make sense to change the Target value every frame.


Interpolates linearly between the current value of the Value output property and the value of the Target input property. The interpolation is automatically started when the Target value changes and finishes after the amount of seconds specified in Duration. Once the interpolation is completed, the Reached event is fired.

By checking the UseTarget2 property, the interpolation will use the value of Target2 instead of Target as the interpolation goal.


The Decay Node is similar to the Linear Node in that it performs a linear interpolation between the current output value and the target value. It extends the Linear Node by the Attack (start value is lower than target value) and Decay (start value is higher than target value) properties which specify the rate of interpolation instead of a fixed Duration. The duration of the interpolation arises from the Attack/Decay value and the difference between the start and target value.


The Damper node is similar to the Linear Node in that it performs an interpolation between the current output value and the target value. However, it interpolates between the start and target value by one of two non-linear functions. Function_1 corresponds to a cosine where Function_2 corresponds to a hyperbolic tangent type of interpolation.


The Damper node is similar to the Linear Node in that it performs an interpolation between the current output value and the target value. It uses a spring-mass type equation to guide the interpolation. The interpolated value will close in on the target value, overshoot it, reverse velocity, overshoot it, while at the same time slowing down until the target is reached.


The Delay Node stores input values and provides them as output values with a certain delay. The amount of delay is defined in number of frames between receiving a new input value and the time it gets set as output value.


The Clipping Node maps a range of input values to a range of output values. For example the value range [0, 1] can be mapped to the value range [-2, 2]. The range for the input values is defined by the Properties MinIn and MaxIn. MinIn defines the lower limit and MaxIn the upper limit of the range. Input values that lie outside the range are assigned to the nearest range limit.

The range for the output values is defined by the Properties MinOut and MaxOut. MinOut defines the lower limit and MaxOut the upper limit of the range.

See also: