Hit Test and Mouse Over

MouseOver Fires events when the mouse cursor is over the bound geometry.
HitTest Fires events when the bound geometry is at the specified coordinate.

Both nodes can be bound to the MeshTester Input Property of a geometry node (e.g. Rectangle, ...). During rendering of that geometry, Ventuz checks if there is any HitTest or MouseOver node bound to its MeshTester and performs an intersection test. Based on the Bounding property, either the bounding box, bounding sphere or mesh will be used to shoot a ray from the viewer through the mouse cursor. Choosing the right bounding type is a trade-off between precision and speed. Bounding box is the fastest but can lead to false-positives while mesh is the most precise but also the slowest.

For many use case, Hit Test and Mouse Over have been superseded by the more recent introduction of MultiTouch support. Consider using Interaction nodes like Touch Button instead of these two older nodes.

Mouse Over

The Mouse Over node provides enter and leave events to indicate whether or not the mouse cursor is currently over the geometry. For geometry loaded by the Mesh Loader Node, the test can be restricted to a specific subset.

Hit Test

The Hit Test is similar to the Mouse Over node except that it does not track the mouse but uses a pixel coordinates specified as input properties. In other words, it will return if an object is over a certain point on the screen. Via Custom Model, additional coordinates for testing can be added.