Application Settings

Table of Contents

  1. Application
  2. Topology

The Director application settings are various options that can be used to customize application behavior. They can be accessed via the main menu under Tools / Options and are stored in the Director.dcfg config file. As a consequence, they affect all users on the machine.


Name Default Description
Auto-save layouts Enabled By default, Director will save all modifications done to the window layout back to the user-settings when a show closes. To prevent this from happening and thus always having the original layouts back when opening a show, deactivate this option.
Launch mode Maximized When Director is launched, the main window will start in this mode. Options are: windowed (normal window), maximized (normal window but using complete screen), fullscreen with menu bar (same as previous but without window frame) and fullscreen (not showing menu bar). Especially for dedicated Director machines, it might be a good idea to always start in full screen mode and prevent the operator from seeing the rest of the application.
Show log overlay Enabled When a warning or error is logged, Director will display a short message on top of the application window. This is great to make the user aware there is a problem and he should check the log, but it can be distracting in some scenarios.


Name Default Description
Default Topology Last used When Director is launched, this topology will be activated. For a dedicated Director machine in a fixed environment, it is advisable to change this option to the specific topology that is always used for that environment.