An Urban Development Experience at Eagle Hills Showroom
Date: 2nd October 2018 |
Customer: Eagle Hills, Agency: Eventagrate, Location: Abu Dhabi |
Event: Presentations |
Technology: Data Visualization, Interactive, Video Wall |
In February, urban developer Eagle Hills opened a new and improved showroom in their headquarters in Abu Dhabi. With the help of agency Eventagrate, they are now able to virtually transport their clients across all development sites in five different countries. This is made possible via an enormous interactive video wall powered by Ventuz.
With a size of 9 by 3 large LED-screens and a width of over 12 meters, the video wall is the first thing people see when they enter the showroom. A single Ventuz server provides the entire wall with full resolution content. A laser touch device detects hand motions in front of the screens and translates them into touch inputs inside the presentation. In idle mode, the video wall displays a selection of images, live camera feeds from many different construction sites, the Eagle Hills’ social media feeds, and current news. This way, visitors are entertained even when they wait for a sales representative. For everyone arriving with kids, Eventagrate has implemented a special treat: a children’s corner in the lower right part of the screen offers videos and games for the little ones.
The adults then jump into the journey. On a 3 by 3 screen section of the interactive video wall, the sales rep can select a country and a project. “We needed to take the walking distances into account”, explained Nadya Koleva of Eventagrate. “With this arrangement of 3 by 3 sections, clients don’t have to take more than one or two steps to see every detail. Also, it allows the team to hold two presentations next to each other, while the third section of the screen is still free for the children’s corner, news feeds and social media.”
The according presentations are packed with information: masterplans, images, schedules, floorplans, explanations, lifestyle videos and much more. This offers a complete picture for potential investors. The sales rep can lead clients through the content via an iPad app or a menu on the wall which can be moved from left to right so that it doesn’t cover any of the relevant information. In special cases, the sales personnel might have prepared a custom presentation on their laptop. By simply plugging it into the Ventuz server, they can easily move their presentation onto the video wall. Ventuz then automatically streams the laptop display into the presentation via a capture card.
When talks are becoming more detailed and a deal is on the horizon, the conversation can be moved into a meeting room which features a touch table. The main property presentations are also available here. “When designed the content with both the video wall and the touch table in mind”, said Agalar Ragimov, Creative Lead of the project. “That way, we only had to make a few adjustments later on, such as slightly reduced functionalities on the touch table.”
Both installations receive their information from Excel sheets which use a carefully crafted template. “The Eagle Hills staff can easily make adjustments or add information via the Excel sheet”, said Nadya. “Of course, it is essential to brief the staff on how to use the file and reformat images. But now they operate quite self-sufficiently.”
The interactive video wall has already become an essential part of the sales journey for Eagle Hills staff. It offers a highly flexible pitching process with great visual support and a massive amount of relevant information. A must-have for any showroom.